14 – 15th November at IESE Business School

Once again, we held our yearly International Sales Meeting at the IESE Business School in Barcelona.

MORCHEM’S worldwide sales team was thus able to share the business opportunities and news of the World Markets as well as the future trends in the adhesive & coatings technology.

We specially would like to thank Prof. Pedro Nueno, Emeritus Professor of Entrepreneurship, IESE and Professor and President CEIBS (Shanghai) for his most interesting speech held during our meeting. It was a real pleasure to listen to his words and lively anecdotes.

The meeting was a great opportunity to stay together and to confirm our mission to be as close as possible to our customers.

La conferencia celebrada con éxito el pasado 18 de Octubre en AIMPLAS, en Valencia, se caracterizó por la presentación de los últimos desarrollos e innovaciones del sector del embalaje flexible, en el apartado de estructuras laminadas. Se abordaron aspectos técnicos y legislativos, así como relevantes temas acerca de la sostenibilidad del packaging.

La jornada ha contado con el patrocinio y la participación como ponente de MORCHEM, representada por Javier Gutiérrez, al mismo tiempo moderador del evento, que ha contado con numerosos profesionales del sector, entre los cuales figuraron expertos de firmas como SYNAPTIK, COMEXI, HP, VALCO- MELTON y QUIMÓVIL.

Agradecemos a AIMPLAS y a todos los colaboradores del evento la oportunidad brindada y quedamos a la espera de una próxima edición.


Once again, Morchem has participated at one of the largest, most comprehensive packaging events in North America, PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2017, hosting newsworthy developments affecting every packaged goods industry.

Here we presented our product portfolio of high-quality PU-adhesives for flexible packaging lamination, functional coatings and TPU range for printing inks.

Our booth was well visited by important professionals from all over the country. We thank you for your visit.

At the same time we want to express our deepest sympathy to the families of the victims of the shooting at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival in Las Vegas last October 1st, 2017

Con motivo de la inauguración del nuevo almacén y en línea con su mayor prioridad e importancia en la lucha contra incendios, MORCHEM , ha llevado a cabo una prueba antiincendios bajo condiciones reales y así garantizar la continuidad de la empresa.


This year, MORCHEM, led by Mr. Santosh Acharekar and his team, participated as PLATINUM PARTNER at the Specialty Films & Flexible Packaging Global Summit, held on 14th & 15th September in Mumbai, India.

The summit focused on the latest developments and innovations of the sector in India and was very well visited by trade professionals with an excellent atmosphere and keen demand. The response to our stall was excellent.

Our General Manager -Commercial Division-, Mr. José Luis Müller, participated as a speaker and under the heading “ Adhesives and Coatings: Future Trends in Flexible Packaging”, he referred to topics such as the importance of market trends, social changes, sustainability, food safety, cost reduction and environmental protection.

We thank ElitePlus for giving us the opportunity to share our ideas, thoughts and concerns.

13 – 15 September 2017, Mumbai, India

Morchem was represented on the Techtextil India, a leading trade fair for technical textiles and nonwovens. Renowned Indian Textil companies came to visit and had project discussions with us on textile lamination. The exhibition proved to be a great success. Many thanks for your visit.

MORCHEM sponsors EAFA/FPE Summer conference in Bilbao focused on European Flexpack manufacturers.

The conference was attended by key executive professionals from the packaging sector. Here high-quality opportunities are offered to attendees to interchange their expertise and learn about the latest news in the sector.

We presented our Company and focused on the general concern of the more and more demanding packaging challenges.

We would like to thank the organisers for offering us the opportunity to sponsor this event and for the great organisation and support.


Exhibición de maquinaria y servicios de todas las áreas y procesos clave de la conversión

21 – 23 marzo 2017: Recinto ferial de Múnich, Alemania

MORCHEM asistirá un año más a la ICE Europe, la Exposición Internacional de Conversión que agrupa a los proveedores de máquinas y sistemas con los especialistas del sector en busca de las últimas soluciones de producción para sus ideas de negocios.

Le esperamos en nuestro estand: SALA A5 – ESTAND Nº 1021



Una vez más, MORCHEM participará en TECHTEXTIL, la feria internacional más importante de textiles técnicos y no tejidos, donde exhibirá toda la gama de usos potenciales de las modernas tecnologías textiles. Se celebra en Frankfurt del 9 al 12 de mayo de 2017.

MORCHEM presentará su extensa gama de adhesivos de poliuretano para diferentes aplicaciones en laminación textil.

Encontrará más información sobre la exposición en http://techtextil.messefrankfurt.com

Este año, MORCHEM acudirá por primera vez a este evento esencial de los sectores de alimentación, bebidas, confitería, panadería, farmacéutica, cosmética y productos industriales y no alimentarios. En ninguna otra feria la industria de los embalajes ofrece a todos los sectores soluciones a medida y diseños innovadores basados en una variedad tan grande de materiales. Se trata, cómo no, del evento del año para la industria del embalaje.

Encontrará más información en http://www.interpack.com/

Le esperamos en nuestro estand número C53A en la Sala 11